It’s time once again for another post about Cool Tools, which are tools, utilities, programs, etc., that I have found in my travels that are really cool (in my opinion anyway, but hey, I am an expert in my own opinion!). I think it’s good for admins and users alike to share nifty little gems that they have found that make life a little easier.
In this case, this is a great tool, simple to use, very well written and FREE! It’s called Converber, and it’s awesome for converting one factor to another. Weight, volume, area, computer measurements (Kb to KB anyone?), whatever you want. It sure seems to have a calc in there for everything I have been able to think of. I suggest grabbing this keeping it in your bag of tricks. It has come in handy for me many times. It’s a Windows app, but it runs well under WINE for me in Linux, not sure how our Mac brethren can run it, but if you can I’d recommend it.
As always, feel free to share your feedback about the app, and feel free to recommend something you like and want to share. Either put it in the comments, or send me an email by using the Contact button at the top of the site. Enjoy!