Here is an interesting article that I ran across. It’s in response to another article comparing Windows and Linux and attempting to show why Windows is so much the better. The article I am linking to is a rebuttal, yes, but more of a take on the comparison of Linux (which is open source and free) to Windows (which is not free, or maybe it is in some respects). It’s a good article, and he has some valid points I think. All in all I thought it was worth the read, so I decided to share it. Enjoy!
I read the entire article. It never crossed my mind that pirated copies of windows is the reason why Linux has not taken off. Very interesting take on the whole windows vs. linux vs. mac discussions. Thanks for the link.
What OS do you use?
I run Windows for my main machine (and it’s paid for), and I use Linux for several others. I used to use Linux as my primary OS, but the two reasons I went back to Windows were games, and the fact that because of what I do, I am tied to Windows somewhat. I much prefer Linux, I have far less problems with it.