I have just posted a handy dandy data type reference for MySQL in the Library. Actually it should work for any database I would think. It should be handy for all you PHP gurus out there, I find it useful when I am setting up my database tables. Take a look … I hope you find it useful!
New Version Of WordPress Is Out
Look alive there folks, WordPress has released an update to their web publishing platform. Version 2.8.1 is live and it seems like a quick and easy upgrade. In case you haven’t tried WordPress lately (or at all), or haven’t upgraded in a few versions, they now have built in the capability to upgrade not only plugins, but also the whole distro right through the point and click admin panel or dahsboard. You need an FTP account somewhere to make the magic happen, but most people running a web site have that, and if not they are easy to come by. So far, I have had great success with their automatic upgrade features, both for plugins and WordPress itself. Being who I am I was very skeptical at first, but it’s actually worked wonderfully so I thought I would share. Now, get out there and get to upgrading. Unlike some other software entities that add more bugs and security holes than they fix, the guys and gals at WordPress actually imrpove the software with each new release. Let me know what you think, post a comment and share your opinion.
See If A Directory Exists In Visual Basic
Hi there, how about a close cousin to yesterdays Visual Basic function? In a previous post we showed you a function that will tell you whether or not a file does indeed exist. Well, here is another similar function, but it tells you whether or not a directory exists. This is another handy tool for all you code monkeys out there. It works much the same way, check it out below:
See if a file exists in Visual Basic
Here is a handy little tip (and function) for all you Visual Basic developers out there. I use this quite often, it’s useful to see if whatever file you are working with or looking for exists before you start trying to access it. So, here we have a nice little function you can drop into a module and call from anywhere when you need it.
(Need to do the same for a directory? That function is here!)
Check it out:
Burger King Continues Trend Of Stupid Commercials
I have been watching Burger King commercials and shaking my head for years now as they make some of the dumbest commercials I have ever seen. From the “Coq Rock” chicken commercials, to now the plastic King figure acting like a drunken frat boy in perpetual party mode (“don’t fall asleep before the king”). This is just sad that someone actually thinks these are good commercials. I like the food at BK, but their commercials make me not want to even go there. And to think, they are paying someone to consult with them and design these commercials LOL Wow.
Simple Machines Forums (SMF) and Deleting Multiple Posts by One User
OK folks, I came up with something helpful and I thought I would pass it on. Recently I had a spam bot (or maybe a real person, who knows) join the forums. Went right through all of the security controls and verifications. Then, said user went about posting almost 500 porn posts all over my site’s forums. Posting topics, posts, pics and embedded videos, it was really bad and I was really mad. First off I banned the user, no problem. I figured I would do that so I could keep relevant info like IP and email addresses rather than just deleting him. Now I had the arduous task of removing all those damn posts and topics.
I do know that you can delete a user and tell SMF to also delete all of those users topics posts as well, but that hasn’t worked in the past so I did it on my own. Here is what I did.