For anyone who found the Solarum Solaris reference handy, and would like a portable copy, I split it into columns and PDF’d it so it would make an easy download. Check it out in the downloads section.
Dumping MySQL database schema but not the data!
How many times have all you command line warriors out there been working with MySQL and backed up or moved a database with the trusty old mysqldump command? I know I use it all the time. But! What if you want to dump just the schema or structure of the database, and not all the data? Like going from DEV to TEST or PROD for example? You want to get the database setup, but you certainly don’t want all that data.
Sun Microsystems Buys MySQL
Wow. That’s about all I can say initially. I am sure I don’t have to explain anything about Sun or MySQL to most of my visitors, and anyone that knows me already knows that I am a hardcore user and supporter of both. I don’t know though, if this announcement is good news or not. I think only time will tell on that one. Really, it all will come down to what Sun decides to do with MySQL. They have an opportunity to help MySQL grow and become even bigger … but then again, they can drop the ball and make it flounder as well. I seem to remember a note a while back about Sun buying PostgreSQL too, I’ll have to look back and see if that ever came about, and if so, what ended up happening with it. For now we’ll all wait and see! Read more here …
Add an Open With option to the global context menu
Have you ever wanted to add an option to that ornery right click context menu so you could open whatever file you just clicked on with whatever the heck you please? I know I have, and here is a quick tip to do just that! Whether it’s your favorite text editor, or another app that you want for some reason, you can easily add an Open With option to the context menu by modifying and then importing this registry file.
Security Alert, Most Home Routers Vulnerable to Flash UPnP Attack
Another goodie from Slashdot:
“folks at GNU Citizen have been researching UPNP Vulnerabilities in home routers, and have produced a flash swf file capable of opening open ports into your network simply by visiting an unfortunate URL. Looks like Firefox & Safari users are safe for now.”
More Government Intrusion
This article from Slashdot ought to get you thinking! Read this:
“National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell is currently helping to draft a new Cyber-Security Policy that could make the debate over warrantless wiretaps seem like a petty squabble. The new policy would allow the government to access to the content of any email, file transfer, or web search.”
Dang. Don’t that just sound like a whole lot of fun?