Network Solutions Caught Domain Camping

In an article on Slashdot, we find that Network Solutions (NSI) has been caught registering every domain name that users check for availability from their whois service.  So, if you check to see if is available, and it is but you don’t register it immediately, they register it out from under you.  Nice job there NSI, way to provide a good service to the customer.  I have long suspected that someone was doing this, but I didn’t think the registrar was.  Wow.  Just goes to show that my aversion to dealing with this low life company was not incorrect.

Read more here …

Graffiti Disses WordPress

It seems that the folks at GraffitiCMS, who make a competitor to WordPress, are aligning with Presidential hopefuls and slinging mud to promote their product even though it isn’t out of beta yet. I found the article here, I am not going to give them the satisfaction of linking to the original. Let’s take a walk though their arguments, shall we?

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But I don’t like spam!

Although you can read the Monty Python skit here, I am talking about email spam. Lately I have been inundated with spam, and it’s aggravating me. I use MailWasher which I recommend to people for filtering spam at the user level, and it does a superb job. However, I really want to stop spam at the server level. I am now on a quest, or mission if you will, to figure out how to stop spam (at least as much as I can) from passing through my server and even getting to the user level. So, as I go forth on my spam fighting quest, I will bring you along with me and share what I find. Maybe we can all move a step forward in overcoming the spam epidemic.

More to come …

Ubuntu on a flash drive

How cool is that?  I found this article when I was pondering the idea of running Ubuntu inside of Windows.  I have Ubuntu on several machines around the lab, but I thought it would be cool to hit an icon and bring up Ubuntu in a window like I have done with DSL (Damn Small Linux).  Welp, here I found this article on using QEmu to get Ubuntu running on a USB drive, a USB hard drive in my case.  The install went off without a hitch, just like the article spelled out.  Try it out and have yourself a Linux inside of Windows fun time too!

Check out the article at Pendrivelinux dot com.

How to generate htpasswd compatible passwords with PHP

Sometimes we have to generate passwords in our code, no problem. But what about when you need to generate a password that is compatible with the htpasswd command, as in the password is the same as what would be generated by htpasswd? Well, if you are using PHP, you can use this function that I posted in the forums. Check it out …