Learn Solaris UNIX or Linux Today, The Real Way

OK Folks, I added this post so I could tell you about a new article that I just posted.  Just like the title here suggests, I talk about learning Solaris UNIX and/or Linux the real way or maybe it would be better said as the right way.  I don’t suppose there is a wrong or right way, but still.  In this article I reach down into the depth of not only my own knowledge but I lean heavily on my own experience as well, and use that information to share all I know and can rant about learning solid UNIX and Linux skills for the up and coming nix jockies out there.  I really hope that this article can help someone and maybe more than just one naturally.  It’s some (I think) good advice on how to get started and some of the best ways to dig in there and learn some good stuff.  Maybe in the future I’ll post more lower level hard core how to stuff and see how that goes over.  Some of that kind of stuff I have posted already (like SVM disk info and Symantec Storage Foundations (formerly Veritas Volume Manager)) has been real popular.  Anyway, for anyone interested, head on over to the Library and check out the new article on Learning Solaris UNIX and Linux today, you might find something helpful in there!  If you have any thoughts about it or something you think I should add, please drop me a line and let me know.  Thanks!